Ten Random Thoughts Because I Haven't Posted Lately

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
  1. I want my wedding to be whimsical. That is now officially my goal. I don't care if other people hate it or think I'm crazy. It will be absolutely adorable to me.
  2. I hate the feel of paper on my fingers. It is ironic that my jobs have always involved paper.
  3. It makes my day every single morning that I can wear whatever I want to work.
  4. Fish with eyes that protrude from their heads are the second best pets ever.
  5. Dogs are the first.
  6. An air bubble in a pore strip defeats the purpose.
  7. They never work anyway so I guess it doesn't matter.
  8. I have to write a paper with a group over the next 6 weeks. The problem is that this group is online and I have no personal interaction with these people.
  9. I think my Bonsai tree is dying and I don't know why. Plants - and trees, apparently - just like to die when they are in my care.
  10. I have less than two months to downsize my stuff and move most of it to an apartment. I sometimes don't know how I will part with things. I also don't know how I will avoid buying new things.


Just me said...

I can come dressed like your fairy godmother if that will help......

Sarah said...

That would be AWESOME! Hahahahaha!!!

Just me said...

Ummm... why are you laughing... I'm serious! :D

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