If I knew what to name this I probably wouldn't be sitting here doing nothing.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sometimes, I think I try to justify or understand younger people's actions by thinking back to when I was that age and asking myself I would have perhaps done the same thing or not. Because if so, maybe everything will turn out okay.

This is not one of those situations.

Mean Girl (Just one...me)

Friday, March 20, 2009
I'm going to lunch with Aharon's sister tomorrow. There are things I need to apologize for and make right with her. She's going to be my sister-in-law, after all, and I'm going to be her child's only aunt! It's time for me to grow up and be the bigger person here.

I am really excited!

Why I Am Not Good at Accomplishing Things On Time

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I think the most difficult thing about wedding planning is not the staying under-budget part. It's the time management part. Seriously. I suck at that so bad.
  1. We need to meet with the photographer and figure out what's going on with that!
  2. I need to email the caterer and get an idea of how tables will be set up so that I can order tulle, lights, and candles for the tables.
  3. I also need to order whatever I'm going to decorate the church with!
  4. I need to sign a contract with somebody for my great fiasco alternative idea. Since Aharon didn't like my original idea.
  5. We need to FIND AN APARTMENT.
  6. Aharon needs to find a suit and shoes that he likes.
  7. We need to find ties for all the guys.
  8. I need to figure out what I'm doing for wedding party flowers and get them ordered.
  9. Shower invitations need to be finished and mailed.
  10. We need to get wedding invitations assembled and mailed pretty soon.
  11. I need to produce the slide show...which also involves hours of scanning in pictures from the 20 years or so that Aharon and I lived through without digital cameras.
Also, I need to write a research paper...in the next 8 days. I haven't started yet.

And Aharon works about 50 hours a week so finding time for him and I to work together is never going to happen!


I picked up my wedding dress. It's too tight on my chest. I'm now uber-depressed.

Ten Random Thoughts Because I Haven't Posted Lately

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
  1. I want my wedding to be whimsical. That is now officially my goal. I don't care if other people hate it or think I'm crazy. It will be absolutely adorable to me.
  2. I hate the feel of paper on my fingers. It is ironic that my jobs have always involved paper.
  3. It makes my day every single morning that I can wear whatever I want to work.
  4. Fish with eyes that protrude from their heads are the second best pets ever.
  5. Dogs are the first.
  6. An air bubble in a pore strip defeats the purpose.
  7. They never work anyway so I guess it doesn't matter.
  8. I have to write a paper with a group over the next 6 weeks. The problem is that this group is online and I have no personal interaction with these people.
  9. I think my Bonsai tree is dying and I don't know why. Plants - and trees, apparently - just like to die when they are in my care.
  10. I have less than two months to downsize my stuff and move most of it to an apartment. I sometimes don't know how I will part with things. I also don't know how I will avoid buying new things.