Some Random Thoughts About Getting Married

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
  1. Not being able to spend money on whatever I feel like after I get married worries me a little. It may take some getting used to.
  2. Having to prepare three meals a day for us is something that I think may require more time than I feel like giving it.
  3. School is going to be even more distracting than it is now.
  4. I'm afraid my need to clean will take up more time than I have to give it.
  5. For the first few months, I'm sure I will live in panic about how much our utility bills are going to cost.
  6. It's not that I don't like coffee, it's just that I don't want to drink it. I prefer pop.
  7. Life would be a little more comfortable if we didn't have to pay for phones and Internet access, but I don't know how we would accomplish anything without them.
  8. What if changing my name turns into a huge nightmare much like we go through anytime we have to use Aharon's social security number and they begin to question why it was issued by immigration?
  9. I think I will have to stop coloring my hair after we get married. It just seems like a foolish way to spend $30 every two months. We could go on a date instead.
  10. I'm really going to miss my dog.


Kerry said...

ummmm ok You are panicing to much. Take a chill pill and enjoy it. Youll do fine I promise

Anonymous said...

You wont want to go on any dates, at least with your husband !!!!!
Kerry's wedding was the best one I ever attended !!!!!

Sarah said...

Um, wow.

Kerry said...

OK who the HELL is anonymous so I can come and KICK YOUR ARCE!!!!!!!!!! So not cool

Sarah said...

Agreed. Want me to delete it?

Anonymous said...

Leave Anonymous alone !!!!! Anonymous speaks the truth and Kerry your wedding was the best ever !!!! Another plus is you don't have that weird last name .....

Kerry said...

No sarah I know who it is I'll txt ya youll laugh too!!!!! :):)

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