1. Name dropping. For example, last week I got a number of phone calls from someone claiming that the owner of the company I work for told him to get me to help him out. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But the overall point was that I had not been told to do the work this guy was asking for, nor did I have the time to do the work he was asking for. And I told him such. But, he thought that by telling me that "I talked to Daren and HE said for YOU..." I would shut up and do it. Not so!
2. Working on holidays. What a freaking joke. If you want to be a small business owner who is truly involved, then don't take December 15 through January 3 off of work and only give your employees December 24, 25 and January 1 off. I've worked New Year's Eve before and it's no big deal, but when nobody that we do work for is open...why do we have to be?
3. As discussed earlier this year, interrupting. When I answer the phone, let me say what I have to say before you start talking over me. And if you interrupt me to drop a name, chances are your call will go to voice mail even if the person you are asking for is standing right in front of me.
4. Getting work calls on the weekend and on my personal vacation days. Specifically, getting work calls on Sunday morning during church for something that is going to have to wait until Monday anyway. So really, why bother calling?! Although the best yet was a call at 7:45 am the day after Christmas, which I had taken off, followed by a call at 8:30 to apologize for the fact that someone else had called me. Really? Do these people hear themselves?
5. Other people using my computer.
6. The fact that because of the way vacation hours work here, I will not get a day off of work until probably the end of May.
7. How my scope of work changes depending on what someone wants me to get done.
8. The fact that I'm usually the first one to get here and the last to leave.
9. Responsibility given to me that I did not ask for, was not hired to be responsible for, and am not being paid for.
10. Dress codes not being followed. I am sick of showing up all dressed nicely because it's a Monday, and yet just because it's a Monday that is also a holiday, everyone else is in jeans...or sweats. Seriously.
11. That way that people talk down to you but disguise it to be more like giving you unrequested advice.
12. The fact that people judge me because I don't eat at all the expensive places around here. Maybe if I was making more money I would. But right now, I get paid about a tenth of what you make to do the same work so LEAVE ME ALONE!
13. People asking for my advice on something and then not taking it at all.
14. People expecting me to be okay with having to fix things that result from not taking my advice.
15. Stuff that I don't need/am not responsible for getting put on my desk, and then comments being made about my desk being messy.
16. My name being spelled wrong. Seriously? It's on like every piece of paperwork ever but when you write it down do you really forget the H?!
17. Being asked about my weekend/days off work. It's my personal time. If I want to share what I did with you, I will. But when you ask me, I will probably make something up because obviously I don't care for you to know or I would have already told you. And when I ask you back, it's just for the illusion of politeness.
18. Being asked the same questions over and over again, and giving the exact same answer over and over again, but nobody doing anything about it.
19. People calling/texting/emailing/instant messaging me on their day off. If you aren't here, I shouldn't have to deal with you.
20. Working on huge projects, turning them in, never hearing anything about them, and then being told 4 months later to do the same project again. Because nobody pays attention to what I do.
Trust without borders
10 years ago