2. Those dumb voice mail systems that give you like 5 seconds to leave your message and then they start talking over you and you have no idea how much of your message recorded and they just make you too angry so you give up and just leave a dumb partial message. Actually, you don't even know if you left a partial message because who knows if the system was ever even working!
3. Mud. It's really dirty. I don't like dirt. Especially when it magically comes through the roof of my car.
4. When characters on TV shows that I like do stupid things. I know they aren't real, but it makes me angry when the shows don't go the way I want them to.
5. The fact that Lost hasn't solved anything yet this season but they've added at least 2 new random characters and Sawyer summed that up last week when he met the one girl and said, "Who the hell are you?"
6. All those TV shows that will be the downfall of American youth: The O.C. (I know, I know...it's been canceled.), Laguna Beach, The Hills, etc.
7. Myself when I say dumb things because then everybody laughs at me. Because I'm really not dumb, but it just seems like whenever I do manage to say something dumb, people are there to observe it.
8. Printers that don't work. Because they create more work for me and not for the person who is doing the actual printing. And for some reason, the stuff that I do isn't important and so instead, I should go hit the "Start" button for each and every single page that needs to print out of the dumb printer.
9. Scene kids.
10. The fact that really cute puppies have to grown into slightly-less-cute dogs.
11. Cleaning my room. I really don't care that it's messy, but yet it makes me angry when it is. But...I can't be bothered to clean it.
12. The USPS. Not for any particular reason as of late, but just because it still sucks. It hasn't improved any over the years. So...it still sucks.
13. Little kids in an R rated movie. It's rated R for a reason. And seriously, those freaking employees don't even check IDs because last night, there were two kids who walked in without any adults and who couldn't have been over 13. That's more of the reason why American youth are corrupt.
14. Daylight Savings Time. It's so stupid. We have electricity now, so there's no need to have the sun up longer during the day. And the whole excuse about it being for energy conservation...someone explain that to me because I'm pretty sure that once you start trying to explain the reasoning behind that, you'll find out that it's all a lie. The sun coming up later in the day and setting later in the evening won't make any difference on energy consumption. What would make a difference is if people like Al Gore didn't use as much electricity in a month as most people use in an entire year. So there.
15. Speaking of Al Gore, self-righteous politicians. I don't need to explain that one.
16. Jennifer Granholm.
17. Anyone who voted for Jennifer Granholm.
18. The fact that any customer service phone number transfers you to someone who does not speak English as a first language, or maybe even as a second language. And then they can't understand what you are saying and you can't understand what they are saying and it basically just makes you super-angry because everyone goes off about how bad the US economy is and yet everybody is outsourcing to some middle east country.
19. Police officers driving Dodge Chargers. I know they look cool, but they are super-expensive. And I think it would be a better idea to buy cheaper cars for the police officers and use the money that would have been spent on the chargers for something like road repairs. Because then, in a wonderful turn of events, less money would also be spent on repairs to the cars because of the roads being crappy.
20. The fact that no matter how long you put off the purchase of some expensive piece of equipment because you know a newer version will come out after you order the older one, it never fails that when you finally give up and make your order, a newer version will come out without 3 months. :(
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