- Working in a city that is on the water where in the summer, the bridges go up every half hour whether or not there's a boat that needs to go under the bridges. Then, traffic backs up for about 20 minutes.
- Having a job where you are viewed as a kid. I do the kind of work that someone would pay an outside company $80 to $100 an hour to do, but I make what a kid fresh out of high school would make. And everything is always "good experience" for me, even if it's something that I've been doing for years or that nobody else has any clue how to do!
- Women in $65,000+ SUVs. They don't know how to drive and they usually think that because they have such an expensive vehicle, the rules of the road don't apply to them. I just want to throw bricks at them sometimes.
- Anyone who thinks that me being quiet in the morning means I'm in a bad mood. Maybe I'm just tired. I work full time, go to school, drive 40 minutes each way for work, have a boyfriend, friends, and a dog. Or maybe, I just don't like how you think it's absolutely vital that you come over to my desk and attempt to engage me in conversation about something I have absolutely no interest in!
- People who think that just because I've expressed an interest in one particular thing - like perhaps a movie whose target audience is 8 to 12 year old boys - I must be interested in every single thing that could somehow, on any level, relate back to the before mentioned thing.
- Tactless people. I know a lot of them. And in all seriousness, I've reached the point with some of them where any respect I may have once had has severely decreased. It is hard to watch someone pretty much be a perfect example of a horrible human being and yet still they expect you to respect them. I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen. And to further add to that, it only gets worse when the tactless person is also a good combination of the other types of people I don't like. There's nothing worse than a tactless person who thinks they know everything about me and who I am (even thought they really know nothing about me) and acts like they are a shining example to others and demands that I respect them.
- Bridges. Because of this. This morning, I told my mom that if I die because of a bridge, I fully expect her to sue every single person she can. And, if my death occurs on the Zilwaukee Bridge, I expect my family to pretty much own Michigan!
- Unorganized work spaces. My desk at work is spotless. And I keep it organized. And I keep everything else that I'm responsible for organized. Shipping materials, binding materials, assorted office products. They are all nicely organized. So why can't others return the favor and try to keep their areas - or even just things other people need access to - organized!
- When I'm given a computer to fix and there is no rhyme or reason as to how the files are organized. Maybe it's because I like to keep things organized, but seriously, why would someone just save things under random names and in random places on their computer? Do people not realize how hard that makes things for me?
- When places I like go out of business. For example, yesterday Aharon and I planned to have a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant, Steak n Shake. We hadn't been there in a month or so and I had sold some makeup so we had a little extra cash on us. So, we get there, only to find out that they went out of business the day before. I cried a little standing in the parking lot. It was the saddest thing ever. I'm still sad and I probably will be for a while.
- Power outages. Especially ones that last for 7 or 8 hours. And even more especially, ones that happen on a day when all I really wanted to do (because of my sorrow over Steak n Shake) was watch the reruns on NBC. Because that's something I look forward to on Thursdays.
- Customer Service. It really doesn't matter what company or anything like that. So insert your least favorite here: _______ Customer Service. Because I have found that the vast majority of them really don't want to do anything to make your life better. A week or so ago, I had to call Xerox Customer Service because of problems with Madison Heights' copier. Basically, she told me she couldn't do anything, but she paged a technician for me. The technician called and told me that she couldn't do anything for a couple of weeks but "here's what I could do!" What's with pushing their jobs onto me? That sucks!
- America's obsession with celebrities. It's such a waste! Every day, I wonder less and less about why the rest of the world hates us. Maybe if we had a bigger interest in real issues, the rest of the world wouldn't want to see us dead.
- Caffeine, but only because it's a diuretic. Otherwise, I love caffeine and I need it to survive. But I hate having to use the restroom like every 15 minutes.
- The fact that people are saying that with the recent hot weather, we are in a heat wave! I can't remember a single summer where we haven't experienced at least a week where it was in the 90's every day. Come on, people! This is Michigan. Get used to it!
- People who can't carry on conversations. This does not include quiet people. I have no problem with them. I'm talking about people who want to talk you to death but don't really care about what you have to say. Bonus points if the person will talk over you when only the two of you are involved in a conversation.
- Ice cream trucks in the city of Memphis. Mostly because no matter where they are within the city limits, I can hear their annoying music. And the music they play is truly annoying. I don't know why kids are drawn to it. If I was a kid I would cry. But then again, I don't like ice cream.
- City wide garage sales. Or as my dad calls them, "Pre-landfill sales." Enough said.
- Forgetting my lunch. Especially when my lunch also had my breakfast in it.
- The fact that it took me a week to come up with enough things to fill this list!
Trust without borders
10 years ago
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