New Year's Resolutions

Monday, February 1, 2010
Now that my crazy, insane January is over, I feel that it is time to get started on my New Year's Resolutions.

It takes 2 weeks to make something habit. I had planned to get organized and get going on all of this starting in January, but things got in my way. For starters, I find it's easiest to begin something new on a Sunday or a Monday. So, starting with the month on a Friday was out of the question. Since it takes 2 weeks to form a habit and I was going to be out of town the 12th - 16th, I figured it would be a waste to get started the first full week of January. Once I got home, I spent a week trying to catch up on housework, homework, and laundry. Then last week, I was pretty sick.

But now, it's a new month. And although I went back to bed this morning after Aharon left for work instead of doing Wii Fit, I still feel like I'm going to get the hang of this.

My goals for the year include the following:
  • Keep track of every penny. After we got married, we stuck to a budget. However, it was easy to not record some income and transactions and use the extra money for whatever. I found that this didn't give me the snapshot of our finances at the end of the year that I had hoped for. So this year, it doesn't matter where the money comes from or where it's is getting recorded. My system is improved and ready-to-go. At the end of the year, I will know to the penny what we earned and where it all went.
  • Plan for meals better. We spend too much money eating out because I haven't shopped properly or don't want to come home from work and spend an hour working on dinner. So this year, I'm planning ahead, shopping accordingly, and cooking whatever I can in advance.
  • Exercise. I have put on 25 pounds since 2007. This makes me very unhappy and unfit, so those 25 pounds are going bye-bye. For real this time. Wii Fit is going to help me!
  • Organize and prioritize. We need to finish the church library quickly and keep the website updated. Those are things we volunteered to do and we need to do them in a way that reflects well on our church and on our commitment to these projects.

1 comment:

Toyin O. said...

Great goals.

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