We are planning, at least for now, on getting married on Friday, July 3, 2009. This would be our five year anniversary. We thought that was fitting, and since we've been together so long anyway and are pretty low-maintenance people, we don't feel the need for a long engagement.
And the details: Aharon and I have been talking about getting married for quite some time now, so I was expecting this but he still managed to surprise me. I had been trying to leave weekends open in case he was planning something I wasn't aware of, but this weekend just filled up too fast. I had hours of work to finish up, school to catch up on, and family and friends to see. By Saturday night, I was positive that another engagement-free weekend had come and gone.
But then Sunday rolled around. What a great day! We went to church, went to my Uncle's house for my Grandma's birthday, and then went out to dinner with our friends Jack and Michelle and their 14 month-old daughter. And then, around 9 at night, we got back to my house. We got out of my car and Aharon ran over to his and promptly started it. Usually on weekends he stays at my house until 10 or 11, so leaving at 9 was strange, but I figured he was tired. He came inside to say hello to my parents and grab his xbox, and then he told me that he had to get home before the roads got bad again. And then he said, "But before I go, will you marry me?"
Let it be known that I did not cry! Rather, I jumped up and down and screamed and hugged and kissed him.
So, the next few months are sure to be very busy. I can't believe how much goes into planning a wedding. I thought all along that if you kept it small and simple it wasn't so much work. Our immediate families and closest friends alone total more than 100 people! It's going to be tough.
But, in a few months, I'm going to marry my best friend. I couldn't be happier.
What a beautiful ring. Cant wait for the wedding :-) michelle s.
Amazing! You guys are awesome. Congrats congrats congrats. :) The ring is beautiful, and I am sure you will do great with the planning! I'm very happy for you guys. It's about time! :)
"Gentlemen, welcome to The Rock."
-Sean Connery, "The Rock"
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